One Month Update - Habitat Schoolhouse

Month one update Habitat schoolhouse

May 1st will mark one month of Habitat Schoolhouse. I had no real plan for this venture when I started it, I just jumped in with both feet. Little did I know that my intention to provide family and friends with preschool activities for their toddlers would explode into a full-time business that is to the point where I'm considering hiring help.

I'm completely overwhelmed by the positive response I am receiving day in and day out. There are so many parents looking for good resources to help teach their children. I was anticipating that 20 to 30 people would show some interest in the curriculum over the span of about a week, instead, I received over 200 emails and counting in just two days! I am humbled and encouraged by the kind words from moms I've spoken to and gotten to know over these few short weeks. 


This month we sent out the first test of our lessons to see how they would be received. I am so excited about the response they have received and the positive feedback. Right now the goal for Habitat Schoolhouse is to finish 4 weeks worth of lessons to be sent out to the beautiful Mama's who have purchased our curriculum already. I am so excited that our curriculum is in 4 countries thus far and is being used in over 200 homes. It has already been included in blog posts,  used in photo shoots and shared all over social media. I never thought doing something I love could be so exciting and rewarding. 

Next month:

April 2nd is the scheduled date of our full launch. You have until the end of this month to receive %30 off the lessons, they will be going to full price of $47.00 in April. We are looking to do out first giveaway and photo shoot with local moms to help promote our curriculum. If you live in the Vancouver and Tri-cities (or even Fraser Valley) area and have a little one be sure to send me a picture of your babe and some little facts about him/her. We would love to contact you with more details of the photo shoot. 

Long Term:

By June the entire 26-week curriculum will be done and we are looking at starting production and making it into a physical workbook and curriculum guide. Long term we are looking to include flashcards, supplementary lessons and a Nature for Toddlers Workbook. 

I think that about sums up this little update. It has been three weeks thus far and has been so rewarding. I can't wait to get up every morning to start working on lessons and email all you mamas. (I even get up at 6:30 to start my day before my daughter wakes up... and I am NOT a morning person haha). I'm so happy that this business has developed organically and fits our life so perfectly. I look forward to building more lessons for you and getting to know each and every one of you. 


If you want to read more about Habitat Schoolhouse or Homeschooling check out the articles below. 

Home school Curriculum

Home school Starter Guide

35 Things your child needs to know before starting Kindergarten



Homeschool Book List


Simple Home School Starter Guide